STAMP Protocol v0.2
Platforms are silos; a protocol is a river; no one owns it, and everyone is free to swim. @Snowden -
The STAMP protocol allows anyone to βlikeβ content on the permaweb. STAMPs can be implemented into any application built on Arweave. It allows users to βStampβ any piece of content by clicking a button, and then signing a transaction with their Arweave wallet.
STAMPs incentivizes creators and users with a built in game mechanism. To play, a user must first be verified as a human by VouchDAO. Each STAMP from a verified user counts as an entry to the game.
Every 720 blocks, a reward of 1000 $STAMP tokens is generated and divided amongst all of the Atomic Assets that implement the Atomic Token Specification. The more STAMPs a piece of content has during this period, the greater is its chance at winning a portion of the rewards. This game rewards creators for making high quality content, and provides users a simple way to signal their support in an impactful way.
STAMPs is currently in a testing phase. Our vision is that this incentivized game can be a way for creators to earn on the web of value without having to keep their content private or gated. This idea comes from the additive-only economy model. You can read more about this in these articles:
Introducing Super STAMPs
Super STAMPSs allow users to tip creators with $STAMP Tokens while STAMPing their content; this is a way for users with $STAMP tokens to go above and beyond to display their appreciation.
When a user Super Stamps an asset that is part of the Atomic Token specification, 80% of the tokens go to the creator, and 20% go into a credit bucket to be distributed to the creator in 1 year. The credit bucket is a savings account for the creator, as well as a mechanism that mitigates the effects of token inflation as the protocol grows.
A call for developers
With the release of v0.2 of the STAMP Protocol, we would like to invite all developers to explore how to integrate STAMPs in your permaweb applications. We are publishing a new library that improves the integration process significantly.
import Stamps from '';
const stamps = Stamps.init({ warp, dre })
const result = await stamps.stamp(TX, qty?)
// Get Count for a TX
const { total, verified, super } = await stamps.count(TX)
// Get Counts for a batch of TXs
const counts = await stamps.counts(TXs)
Check out the README
Live Implementations
Remember that you must first be verified with VouchDAO to participate. Visit VouchDAO to start. Winners are posted on stamps, and you can connect your wallet to view your rewards.
We hope that this update to the STAMPs protocol will unlock even more innovation in the Arweave ecosystem, and give developers another powerful tool to help disrupt the legacy web.
Long live the permaweb!